Una bella escursione risalendo dalle pendici del Monte Fiegni, una delle montagne più ampie e panoramiche dell'alto maceratese.
Partiremo dalla splendida chiesa romanica di San Giusto nella piccola frazione di San Maroto e risaliremo il Fiegni fino alla sua cima, godendo dei panorami spettacolari sul lago di Fiastra, sui Sibillini, sull'Adriatico e sull'appennino umbro-marchigiano.
Pranzo al sacco
preposizione :in, a, di, per, con, su, presso, dentro, durante, fra, entro, nell'atto di
avverbio :dentro
preposizione :
expressing the situation of something that is or appears to be enclosed or surrounded by something else.
dressed in their Sunday best
expressing a period of time during which an event takes place or a situation remains the case.
they met in 1885
expressing the length of time before a future event is expected to take place.
I'll see you in fifteen minutes
(often followed by a noun without a determiner) expressing a state or condition.
to be in love
expressing inclusion or involvement.
I read it in a book
indicating someone's occupation or profession.
she works in publishing
indicating the language or medium used.
say it in Polish
as an integral part of (an activity).
in planning public expenditure it is better to be prudent
avverbio :
expressing movement with the result that someone or something becomes enclosed or surrounded by something else.
come in
expressing the situation of being enclosed or surrounded by something.
we were locked in
expressing arrival at a destination.
the train got in very late
(of the tide) rising or at its highest level.
(of an infielder or outfielder) playing closer to home plate than usual.
looking for a force, they brought the infield in
aggettivo :
(of a person) present at one's home or office.
we knocked at the door but there was no one in
pastels and light colors are in this year
(of the ball in tennis and similar games) landing within the designated playing area.
sostantivo :
a position of influence with someone powerful or famous.
he would ensure an in with the nominee
abbreviazione :
Indiana (in official postal use).
prefisso :
(added to adjectives) not.
(added to nouns) without; lacking.
in; into; toward; within.
suffisso :
forming names of organic compounds, pharmaceutical products, proteins, etc.
denoting a gathering of people having a common purpose, typically as a form of protest.
the chemical element indium.
Detected language : English
Prezzo adulti: 20 €
Grado di difficoltà di tipo Escursionistica
Dislivello: 940 m
Tempo di percorrenza effettivo: 5 ore
Lunghezza: 16 km
Requisiti richiesti -
Non essere alla prima esperienza in montagna
Avere buona preparazione fisica
Ritrovo principale Ore 9 presso Bar Alimentari Oasi, SP98, 3, 62035 Camerino MC, Italia,
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