NEXT WORLD NIGHT pres. DARREN PORTER 1st Time in Italy, Jesi AN, 30/03/2013 - Marche in Festa

Marche in festa

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mar 30 2013


Letture: ... - Discoteca a Jesi - AN

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Approfondimenti: INSERISCI un approfondimento
dove: Polena Lab
data: sabato 30 marzo 2013, dalle 23:00 fino a tarda notte.
intrattenimenti: Si balla
info sul luogo:
Organizzazione: Polena Lab
Referente: Polena Lab
E-mail: Contatta il referente
Descrizione evento:
Torna la Next World Night al Polena Lab di Jesi, una serata in vero stile Trance Energy con un ospite tra i piu' infuocati del momento:

A supporto di questo talento di fama mondiale avremo i nostri due dj resident MARK L e Dj VANDAL oltre a William P fondatore dell'Art of Trance Bologna di ritorno sulle consolle ed al resident di Marche trance Movement Ettore Aka Rigel

DARREN PORTER____________

From the humble surroundings of the north east of England, near Newcastle, Darren Porter began his musical journey experimenting with keyboards and pianos and without the ability to read music and not one music lesson he was able to learn what made music work, from this he began to write small film scores for independent short films, but his real passion lay with electronic music.

Since he first a mix tape from SASH! Darren became hooked on EDM, spending hours everyday through his teens learning the groundwork to production. He went on to study music technology to further his interest in production and to satisfy his thirst for producing music, in early 2003 Darren took his first steps into professional producing and since then worked tirelessly to perfect his tone and style which over the years has evolved into the hard driving euphoric trance we hear today.

Whilst not ready to let the world hear his music Darren held back until he was happy with what he could hear, he then entered the “Dave Pearce bedroom producer” competition which he won after Dave heard his track “termination” only hours before the show went live, “Termination” was subsequently signed to Oceanstate Recordings which received support from Tom Colonotio and Vicky Devine.

Over the last few years Darren has built a steady reputation for driving and hard euphoric uplifting remixes known to deliver huge energy, he has remixed over 10 tracks all of which have been supported by some of the biggest DJ’s on the planet – 2011 has been a monumental year for Darren Porter – winning the title “Tough as Titanium track of the Week” for his monster chart topping release “Daytona” – Signing his collaboration track with Sy Gardner “Springs Scent” to Sean Tyas’ label “Titanium Recordings which was tracklisted at ASOT500.

2012 saw Darren explode with a flurry of remixes and originals and caught the attention of big game players even earning himself a worldwide twitter trend for his track “foundry” while been played and supported by Armin Van Buuren. to further his progression Darren remixed one the biggest vocal tracks of the summer of 2012 Sean Tyas feat. Lo-fi Sugar – The world which caught great reviews and was played through the world during the summer festivals. In 2012 Darren has completed number 1 track Foundry, collaborated with Manuel Le saux and Ferry Tayle and unleashed his biggest track to date “tesla Effect” with Gareth Weston, also playing live and now starting his tour on the scene as a live performer Darren Porter has truley stamped his foot on the scene and is sure to keep rising.

“Darren Porter has to be one of the finest producers of hard driving energetic trance music today, truly stunning, i keep getting goosepimples when listening and playing” – Manuel le saux

“Defiantly Keep an eye on Darren Porter, I love whats hes doing, open to new ideas, has a great attitude and is a real talent in the studio too” – Sean Tyas

“Darren Porter strikes me as one of the most talented producers, with the ability to create such uplifting melodies and couple them with the production techniques he has, the results and tracks are amazing. True Talent.” – Ferry Tayle






da A14/Ancona:

uscita ss Jesi Est, girare a dx poi prosegui avanti alla prima rotatoria sempre dritto alla seconda girare a sx prosegui dritto cosi entrerai in Jesi percorrendo il Viale della Vittoria.
All'altezza del hotel Mariani e distributore Esso parcheggia la macchiana.
Di fianco all' Hotel sali per la scalinata, incima gira a dx, avanti 100mt poi scendi x le scale a dx a fianco della Banca... Sei arrivato/a..!!!
nella piazza c'è il Polena Lab.

OPPURE A PIEDI...Dal Corso Matteotti di Jesi:

a metà Corso Matteotti al altezza tra il negozio "Pierella Elettrodomestici" ed il "Cotton Club" c'è una galleria, entra e prosegui fino in fondo, scendi le scale e percorri tutto il tunnel fino ad arrivare in Piazza Martiri delle foibe Istriane, li a sinistra c'è il Polena Lab. 

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